It is a calming space for parishioners of all ages. Items have been added to support individuals with a variety of sensory needs. The goal is to help individuals meet sensory needs in a calm environment so all can better attend to Father's message and the miracle that is our Catholic Mass!
Sensory-seeking materials can help get the wiggles out and include quiet fidgets, rocking chairs, sensory floor and wall tiles, wiggle seat, chair bands, silicone rosaries, and tracing tiles.
Sensory-avoiding items help block out distractions, such as noise-canceling headphones, CD player with Christian music, and light filters over the flourescent lights.
Organizational tools have been added to help children understand what is next in the Mass, as well as visual timers to see how much time is left in Mass.
Emergency supplies of diapers, wipes, and pacifiers are also still available.
Please help us keep this area clean and organized with the materials provided.
If you have any questions, please contact the office.